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史学一,号柳卯居士,鲁西人,自幼酷爱绘画艺术,常年乐此不疲,坚持不懈。多年来一直从事绘画创作、美术教学和美术编辑工作。形成自己独特的基调明快、潇洒典雅的艺术风格。作品多次在全国各级比赛、展览中获奖,并广为发表,近期作品被画圣吴道子艺术馆、敦煌美术馆、中国武义画院等多家艺术博物馆、院收藏。于2005年5月荣获“当代画坛500强”的荣誉称号。现为《百川》杂志社美术编辑、聊城市教育书画家协会理事、中国书画创作中心画师、中国教育学会山东省美术教学研究专业委员会会员。出版有个人专集《史学一画集》《史学一国画艺术》。 SHI Xueyi, who styled himself Retired Scholar Liumao, was born in March,1971 in Guan xian County, Shandong Province.He began to be interested in painting from his childhood, and since then has worked at it gladly and never tired. He has formed his unique artistic style,which is lucid,lively, natural and elegant. For his works, he won many awards among many shows for painting and calligraphy. And his works were often complied in many books for art. In addition, his recent works were widely collected by many units including the Memorial of the artist-sage Wu Daozi, the Duihuang art gallery, the Wuyi Paintings’ College of China and many other museums. He was awarded the honorary title of “Five Hundreds Painters in Contemporary Art circles” in May,2005. Now he is the artistic aditor of “Bai chuan” journal,a director of Liaocheng Institute of Art, a member of Chinese Institute Center for Painting and Calligraphy, also, a member of Teaching and Research Committee for Art in Shandong Province subject to Chinese Institute of Education. 